
3 Beautiful Garden Design Ideas You’ll Love

Would you like your backyard to be the envy of your neighbors? Would you like to turn it into an entertainment area, where numerous neighborhood parties and cookouts take place? Perhaps you'd rather have your backyard be a respite from the craziness of the world around you. A sanctuary, if you will. Then again, maybe you’d prefer a play area for your kids and their friends. That way you can always keep an eye on them.

Depending on exactly what your backyard means to you, there are various ways of setting it up. Included in the mix can be flower gardens, vegetable gardens, paths, special lighting, a pond or a pool, an outdoor kitchen, a hammock, a fire pit, and much more.

Here are a few garden design ideas you may want to consider, depending on precisely what you would like to use your backyard for.

For the Culinary Aficionado

If you excel in the kitchen, but also have a bit of a green thumb, you may want a backyard that incorporates a kitchen and herb garden. While advice will not be given here on which kitchen products to buy, where to purchase them, or how to set them up, herb, fruit, and vegetable suggestions are another story.

You don't need to have a lot of space to grow these, either. A series of containers or huge pots can suffice for herbs. Maintaining an herb garden is satisfying and simple. In a window planter or a large pot outdoors, you can grow enough herbs to supply your kitchen. All large pots have growing room at the top, as you would expect, but some also have holes in the side from which herbs can sprout and grow.

Naturally, a vegetable garden will be a welcome companion to any outdoor or indoor kitchen. Fresh vegetables far exceed the quality of those you purchase from a grocery store. Remember, you can grow strawberries and raspberries, as well, without having to deal with a large fruit-bearing tree.

Sensory Spaces

For healing physical and emotional effects, a beautiful sensory garden can't be beaten. This can include everything from textures you can enjoy through touch and sight to sensory garden plants, just to give your senses an extra treat. Another thrill for the senses can be the sound of trickling water. It can help block out everything from the neighbors’ kids to traffic sounds.

The addition of a comfortable chaise lounge or hammock is just the thing you need for relaxing and rejuvenating.


Hedges can be used for dividing spaces, highlighting certain areas, or bordering the property. In fact, the uses for hedges are practically unlimited, depending on your imagination.

You may want to use your hedges to designate a patch for growing vegetables, as a terrace for eating, or for various other uses.

If you have a particularly spacious backyard, hedges can be placed to section off areas that will be used for specific purposes. Consider lighting your hedges with white or colored lights for a truly special effect at night.

Various Other Suggestions

Incorporating any of the following into your backyard will not only increase your enjoyment of it, but you may even increase the value of your home:

  • Outdoor brick fireplace, grill, or pizza oven
  • Large fountain or pool
  • Sculptured bushes and hedges (maze, geometric shapes, animals, etc.)
  • Create a path or patio
  • Add a pergola or gazebo
  • Rather than one large garden, consider several small gardens. Some can be raised or tiered, while others will simply be ground level. Scatter potted plants here and there for accents.

Consider, also, what types of colors you're going to use. Are you going to stick with colors from nature or go bold and beautiful with vibrant, shocking hues?

Where to Shop for Everything You Need for Your Garden Design Ideas

From the seeds you'll need to plant your flower garden or vegetable garden to the tools you'll need to create memorable designs – and everything in between – count on Freedom Farms. We go far above and beyond gardening needs and supplies, however. Peruse our site to see, for yourself, our impressive selections and inventory.

26th Mar 2023

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