
7 Simple Steps To Successfully Growing Strawberries In Containers

Growing strawberries in containers can be a delightful experience. Any variety of strawberries can produce fruit when grown in containers, including both June-bearing and everbearing strawberries. However, it's important to note that these two types of strawberries require different care. To ensure a fruitful harvest, follow these seven steps for growing strawberries in containers, regardless of the variety you choose.

Preparations for Growing Strawberry Plants

There are two ways to start growing strawberry plants: using bare-root crowns or transplants. While container-grown plants may look lush and attractive immediately, bare-root crowns are currently dormant and require time to establish themselves and sprout leaves. It's recommended to plant only three strawberry plants per square foot of soil to prevent overcrowding, which can cause the plants to die. These plants have shallow roots and don't need much space to grow.

Use the Right Soil

To begin planting, fill the container with loamy potting soil, which is the best type of soil for growing strawberries in containers. Loamy soil can hold some water while also allowing excess water to drain away easily, which helps to prevent root rot. Once the soil is in place, create a small hole in the center and place the bare-root crowns or transplants into it. If using a watering can or jug, ensure that it has a small hole in the bottom to control the water flow.

Start Planting the Strawberry Plants

When planting strawberries, ensure that the crowns, where the stem meets the roots, are level with the soil surface. Create a small mound of potting soil in the container, then fan out the roots of the bare-root crowns or transplants over the soil. Next, fill in around the plant's crown with more potting soil, and water the plant thoroughly. After watering, add more potting mix as needed to fill in any gaps, but take care not to bury the crown.

Containers Should be Exposed to Natural Sunlight

To ensure optimal bloom and fruit production, place the container in a location that receives eight to twelve hours of sunlight daily. If the container is only getting sunshine from one side, it's recommended to rotate it every three to four days, if possible. However, ensure that the plants are safe from pests, even though they're in containers. Installing netting or fencing around your plants can help prevent bugs, birds, and rodents from damaging or consuming them.

Remember to Water the Strawberry Plants

Water the strawberries about twice a week, or whenever the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. It's important to avoid over-saturating the soil and water around the plants. Maintaining a moderate level of moisture is crucial for optimal fruit growth. However, container soil tends to dry up faster than soil on the ground, so during extended hot and dry weather periods, watering may be required twice a day to keep the soil moist.

Enrich Your Strawberry Plant

To promote healthy growth, it's beneficial to use extra fertilizer for plants grown in containers. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer every three to four weeks to feed your strawberries. Fall is an ideal time to fertilize since the plants start storing energy for the following year by producing buds in their crowns that will eventually produce flowers and fruit.

Protect Strawberry Plants Against Cold Weather

During winter, it's essential to allow strawberry plants to hibernate to improve their yield in the spring. However, in colder regions, the roots may freeze, and the containers may break. To keep your containers safe during the colder months, store them in an unheated garage or beneath a deck. Avoid watering them unless the soil is completely dry. Additionally, mulch up to and around the container to provide extra insulation and protection. This will help you determine whether you can leave the container outside during the winter.

For more information about growing strawberries in containers, feel free to ask Freedom Farms today.

22nd Mar 2023

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