
9 Best Companion Flowers To Grow With Vegetables

Do you have a vegetable garden or are you planning on starting one? If so, you might be wondering if it would be appropriate to include flowers along with the vegetables. Actually, to help attract beneficial pollinators and deter pests, flowers make the perfect companion plants. You can also save time and space by inter-planting, because all in one place, you'll be able to tend to and grow your plants.

If you'd like to take a tired old vegetable garden and add a new dimension to it, consider the following flowers to grow with vegetables.

Companion Flowers that Grow Well with Vegetables

  • Zinnia
  • Sweet Pea
  • Sunflower
  • Nasturtium
  • Marigold
  • Lavender
  • Cosmos
  • Pot Marigold
  • Borage

Let us discuss in detail some of the flowers mentioned above.


Pollinators, such as bees, are drawn to zinnias. Hummingbirds like them as well. You’ll be able to cut these flowers to make beautiful centerpieces if you plant them in your vegetable garden. Don't worry, after taking your cuttings, you won't leave any significant gaps behind. As you harvest crops, gaps are expected. Consider adding some fast-growing vegetables to fill in, if you choose.

Soil conditions to grow zinnia are well draining and humusy. They like full sun. Colors include white, green, purple, lilac, orange, yellow, pink, and red.

Sweet Pea

No, not the vegetable, although, they are edible for creatures other than humans. Due to their tasty attractiveness to certain creatures, you may have a problem keeping them in your garden. Protecting them with vegetables could actually work out well. To squeeze them into your garden, consider growing them with tall pole beans or edible peas. Because these attract pollinators, they are beneficial to your vegetable garden.

Sweet peas do well in soil conditions that are well-draining, medium moisture, and humusy. They like sunlight. Colors include white, purple, blue, pink, and red.


For your vegetable garden, sunflowers are a perfect fit. To attract pollinators, they have lots of nectar, and they're great for climbing plant trellises. Sadly, squirrels are also attracted to sunflowers, which can be an issue. To deter animals, consider planting sunflowers with vegetables that are course-leafed like squash.

Soil conditions best suited for sunflowers are well-draining, moist, and average soil. They like the sun. Colors include chocolate, burgundy, red, and yellow.


Marigolds deserve a lot of respect, but unfortunately, they get very little of it. Both below and above ground, they deter pests and look fantastic while they're doing it. Use marigolds to ring your garden and, before crossing the line, rabbits will think twice. They may deter white flies, tomato corn worms, thrips, and squash bugs, as well.

Growing marigolds is best achieved in soil conditions that are well-draining, with medium moisture, and average soil. They enjoy full sun. Colors include beautiful golds, yellows, oranges, and reds.


There are more reasons to plant lavender than there are not to plant it. This is a fantastic option for your vegetable garden or alone, somewhere else in your flower yard. Lavender repels several types of garden pests, and when it blooms, provides a much-loved fragrance that can soothe and bring a smile to your face.

In addition to insects (like ticks), deer avoid lavender as well. The scent is also offensive to cabbage moths. Even mice may be more likely to avoid your garden if you plant lavender.

Soil needs for lavender are well-draining, alkaline, and lean soil. Lavender likes full sun. Colors include yellow, white, pale pink, rose, violet blue, and purple.

Where to Shop for Vegetables and Companion Flowers

For companion flowers, a wide assortment of vegetables, beautiful flowers for borders, a variety of flowers for a full-on garden, and the gardening tools you’ll need to succeed, Freedom Farms has it all. Check out our impressive inventory today.

26th Mar 2023

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