
Explore These 8 Excellent Companion Plants For Tomatoes

Looking for the ideal tomato companion plants? Tomatoes can be grown with a wide range of vegetables and herbs in your garden, offering versatility and variety. Let's delve into eight outstanding companion plants for tomatoes.


Parsley is another fragrant plant that thrives when planted near tomatoes. Swallowtail butterflies are attracted to parsley, laying their eggs on its leaves. Additionally, hoverflies, which consume pests like thrips and aphids, are drawn to the nectar of blooming parsley flowers. Parsley has long been used as a natural pest deterrent.


This pungent allium has a distinct growth cycle compared to other garden plants. Garlic is best planted in the fall and ready for harvest by midsummer. When timed correctly, garlic can be a valuable addition to your tomato garden.


These mild onion-flavored greens, also referred to as "green onions," flourish in the rows beneath tomato plants and require minimal space for growth. Scallions grow quickly, are untroubled by insects, and can be planted alongside tomatoes for a dual early summer harvest.


Oregano, a traditional Italian herb, is prized for its health benefits and has long been used in both cuisine and medicine. Planting oregano near tomatoes attracts bees and other pollinators to the nectar in its blossoms. The potent scent is likely to confuse tomato-eating insects.


Garden sage is an attractive and aromatic plant that is essential for any garden. It grows well in the same soil as tomatoes, provided it is not excessively shaded by the tomato plant's canopy. Moreover, sage's beautiful blossoms attract numerous pollinators.

Plant Partners

While tomatoes pair well with numerous plants, certain herbs can enhance their growth by keeping pests at bay and providing additional nutrients. Here are some of the most harmonious herbs for tomatoes.


Basil is a popular companion plant due to its frequent use with tomatoes in culinary dishes. This flavorful herb not only deters pests like flies and aphids but also enhances the taste of tomatoes.


Although cilantro is often used in salsa recipes, it is actually a cool-weather plant. Plant tomatoes nearby to ensure a plentiful supply of aromatic cilantro leaves. The tomatoes will also offer much-needed shade from the summer heat.


As evident from the list, strongly scented herbs make excellent tomato companions. Mint has been used historically to repel insects like ants, cockroaches, and flies. Planting this Labiatae family member next to your tomatoes not only promotes their growth but also serves as a weed-blocking ground cover around the base of your crops.

Companion planting promotes garden diversity, enhancing its overall health and longevity. Besides these common tomato companion plants, you can also grow companion flowers and vegetables alongside them. Utilizing otherwise wasted space in your tomato beds allows you to increase the diversity of your harvest in a limited area.

22nd Mar 2023

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