
List Of Best Companion Plants For Celery

Celery is a tasty and versatile vegetable that adds subtle flavor and the perfect crunch to many recipes. It’s a simple plant to grow in the garden or a raised bed. But to make sure you get the best crop, there are many companion plants for celery growing. Here are just a few.


Planting cucumbers in between the celery will fight the white flies that often attack cucumber plants. Plus, the vines of the cucumbers help to shade the celery from too many burning rays of the sun. What’s more, the cucumber leaves stop weeds from growing.


This green vegetable is a perfect companion plant for celery because cabbage leaves help to shade young celery shoots from too much sun. In return, the celery’s scent wards off the cabbage butterfly’s attacks on the cabbage.


This is actually more advantageous to broccoli, but planting celery nearby repels the harmful bug called a white cabbage moth, which also enjoys eating broccoli.


Another veggie the white cabbage moth loves to eat is turnips. As stated above, the scent of the celery chases away this pest that likes to nibble on the turnip’s growing leaves. Be sure to give the celery and turnips enough space in between the plants so none of the roots are affected or get tangled when you begin harvesting your garden.

Herbs to Plant

Thyme, sage, and basil are ideal to place around your celery plants. All serve as a natural insect repellent and are delicious in many of the same recipes as celery. They can keep away rabbits and deer from eating the celery, as well. Sage and thyme are great weeding agents and inhibit the growth of weeds around the celery.

Certain Flowers Can Help, too

Nasturtiums and marigold flowers both have a strong scent that fends off celery-eating pests. Insects like beetles, cabbage loopers, and worms can cause great damage to celery plants and destroy the crop. Additionally, both of these types of flowers will trap aphids, snails, and slugs that can infest and attack celery.

Celery and Onions

One of the most ideal plants to pair with your celery is the onion. Why? Onions offer an amazing defense for the celery plant on several levels and keep them safe.

First, they serve as a natural insect repellent under the soil due to their antifungal elements. Onions can release a substance into the surrounding dirt that will stop bugs from getting to the celery roots.

Above ground, the odor of onion flowers drives away harmful insects like aphids, then they attract the parasitic wasp that eats many celery-eating bugs, too.

Believe it or not, onions are known to enhance the tasty sweetness of celery and by harvest time, make them more flavorful.

Grow Celery, Companion Plants, and More!

With the help of companion plants, your garden will flourish and grow. This is a centuries-old method to a bountiful harvest, and a crop of celery will enhance many of your favorite meals.

Are you starting your vegetable garden? Freedom Farms can help. We have everything you need for a wonderful garden including seeds, tools, fertilizer, and more!

To contact us, please use our convenient online form.

27th Mar 2023

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