
Understanding The Light Requirements For Tomato Plants

What’s one of the most satisfying aspects of having a vegetable garden? Answer: Plucking that first ripe, beautiful tomato – still warm from the sun – fresh off the vine. However, without bright or adequate energy from the sun, your tomatoes could end up flavorless, watery, and bland. Without splitting, but to ripen/grow perfectly, how much sunlight do your tomatoes need?

Here, light requirements for tomato plants will be explored. Ideas will be provided as to what to do if your tomato plants aren't getting enough sun or too much, as well.

Sunlight – How Much Do You Need for Your Tomatoes?

Daily, the sunlight your tomatoes experience should be roughly 8 hours. Direct, full sunlight is preferable. In a pinch, they might make do with six hours. If your plants aren’t getting a minimum of six good hours of sunlight, they may not be as flavorful, and they could be smaller.

To grow adequately, tomatoes need a lot of sun because it takes a lot of energy to produce sweet, juicy tomatoes. They will flourish in a sunny region, that is nicely warm, and during the proper growing season.


In addition to a lot of sun, it's important to plant your tomatoes at the right time. There is no danger of frost if you plant them in early summer or late spring. Your tomatoes will need even more sun if you're starting them from seeds. Think as much as 12 hours every day. Be careful, however, with young plants, because when the weather gets hot, those extreme conditions can be harmful.

When temperatures are their hottest, you may decide to give your young tomato plants a bit of protection during the hottest times of the day.

My Tomatoes Aren't Getting Enough Sun – What Can I Do?

As suggested before, you're going to have less flavor and smaller tomatoes if they don't get enough sun. In fact, they may stop producing fruit altogether if the situation becomes extreme. How can you help them if they're not getting enough sun?

If your tomatoes are in pots, move them to a sunnier area. Grow lights are also a possibility if you need more sun. The extra light they need to flourish could be supplied because grow lights are the next best thing to natural sunlight.

Before transplanting your seedlings out of doors, grow lights are a great solution if you don't have a nice sunny window in which to place your seedling pots.

Is Ripening Affected by the Sun?

That is an old wives’ tale. Ripening is not affected by light. In order for tomatoes to ripen, they do not need sunlight. In fact, when tomatoes are exposed to too much direct sunlight, it can be harmful. If your region is ultra-hot, make sure that your tomato plants are getting adequate water and consider giving them a bit of afternoon shade.

Too Much Sun?

Methods of dealing with extreme heat and sunlight can include the following:

  • Plant your tomatoes in an area that gets afternoon shade.
  • Choose cultivars and seedlings that prefer full sun and are more heat tolerant.
  • Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature.
  • To water the roots directly, set up a drip irrigation system. (Make sure the leaves don't get soaked.)
  • To help shade the roots, create ground cover (straw, fabric, mulch, or other organic matter).
  • Using burlap, shade cloth, or lattice, build a structure for your tomato plants that provides shade.

Ready to Grow Some Incredible Tomatoes?

Purchase your tomato plant seeds and other seeds for your vegetable garden at Freedom Farms. We also carry a vast array of flower seeds, gardening tools, and much more. Check out all we have to offer!

27th Mar 2023

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